Embark on a fascinating journey of discovery in Ouarzazat, a city renowned for its distinctive architecture and the enchanting allure of its fortresses, known as Tighermin or Kasbahs. Immerse yourself in the magical ambiance that permeates the city, as you explore not only the historical wonders but also other captivating sites such as Ait Ben Haddou, Tichka, cinema studios, and more. Ouarzazat, often referred to as the "Gateway to the Sahara," holds a treasure trove of surprises waiting to be unveiled.
Indulge in the ultimate exploration of this captivating city with our private tour of Ouarzazate and Kasbah Ait Benhaddou, where VIP treatment is guaranteed. Your personal driver-guide, fully qualified and accredited, will be your knowledgeable companion, ensuring that you discover the richness of Ouarzazat and the mesmerizing Kasbah Ait Benhaddou in the most immersive and enjoyable manner.
The journey unfolds as you navigate through the intricate streets, alleys, and courtyards of Ouarzazat, absorbing the cultural tapestry that defines this city. The unique architecture, with its fortresses standing as testament to centuries of history, paints a vivid picture of the region's rich heritage. Beyond the city limits, Ait Ben Haddou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, awaits with its ancient beauty and cinematic allure.
Tichka, cinema studios, and other noteworthy locations add layers of intrigue to your exploration, ensuring a comprehensive and unforgettable experience. Your private tour is not just a visit; it's a curated adventure designed to unveil the essence of Ouarzazat in all its splendor.
So, allow the mysteries of Ouarzazat to unfold before you, guided by the expertise of your personal driver-guide. With VIP treatment, you're not merely a visitor; you're an esteemed explorer, delving into the heart of Ouarzazat's cultural and historical treasures. Join us for an exclusive journey that promises discovery, fascination, and the unparalleled charm of Ouarzazat and Kasbah Ait Benhaddou.
Highlights :
• Go through the High Atlas and explore a scenic route via the Tichka Pass, about 2260 m above sea level.
• Visit the Kasbah Ait Ben Hadou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
• Discover the charm of the city of Ouarzazate.
• Enjoy a visit to the cinema museum and studio in Ouarzazate.
• Discover the lifestyle of desert nomads.
Planing :
Ait Ben Haddou est une excursion d'une journée intéressante de Marrakech après avoir traversé les montagnes du Haut Atlas, Aït Benhaddou est le site de l'UNESCO classé depuis 1987 où quelques familles de Glaoui vivent encore dans La palais/Kasbah, le long du chemin vous pourrez admirer les villages berbères dans les montagnes de Haute village de l'Atlas. 4 km de rochers hors-route le long de la vallée de l'Ounila salée pour arriver à la Kasbah d’Ait Ben Haddou, un décor naturel pour de nombreux films qui ont été tournés dans la région. Promenez-vous et traverser la rivière asséchée avec votre chauffeur / guide à dominer les kasbahs d'Aït Ben haddou. Après le déjeuner à Ait Ben Haddou, nous nous dirigerons vers Ouarzazate pour visiter la kasbah de Taourirt, une autre Kasbah de Pacha Laglaoui utilisé comme Ambassade américaine au Yémen pour le film «Règles de engagements" et les quelques scènes de «guerre des étoiles». Puis visite des studios de Cinéma à Ouarzazate avant de partir pour Marrakech via Tizi n'Tichka
- Air-conditioned and comfortable private vehicle (4x4 or minibus)
- Professional and qualified driver
- Departure and return to your place of residence
- Lunch
- Optional guide at Kasbah Ait Benhaddou
- Entrance fees to monuments
- Optional activities
- Soft Drinks